نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 14

A six-year-old Coonhound mix is presented with a  two-week history of coughing, exercise intolerance and lethargy. He presents with labored breathing, tachycardia, ascites, hepatomegaly and crackles on lung auscultation. These are signs of right-heart failure. Heartworm antigen test is positive and the dog is stabilized in hospital. What is the best treatment going forward from here?
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 13

Doxorubicin HCL is one of the most commonly used antineoplastic drugs in small animal medicine, used alone or in combination to treat a variety of carcinomas and sarcomas. Like many antineoplastic agents, Doxorubicin is myelosuppressive. What other side effect is it well known for in dogs, particularly Dobermans, Great Danes, Boxers and Rottweilers?
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 19

A 10-year old German Shepherd presents to you with the complaint of licking the anal area and scooting. On examination, you find numerous ulcerated tracts in the perianal area that are draining purulent fluid. What is the diagnosis?
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 11

A two-year-old spayed female Great Dane is presented with a two-week history of difficulty rising to a standing position after lying down. The dog keeps her head down when standing and tries to bite when her neck is manipulated. Her hindquarters sway as she walks into the exam room and she appears weak. On neurologic exam she knuckles, scuffs her toenails and crosses over frequently; worse in the hinds. Pain perception is intact in all four limbs. Where is the lesion likely to be?
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 15

You see an 8-month old kitten with the effusive form of feline infectious peritonitis and perform euthanasia. The kitten was having severe diarrhea around the house when it became ill. The owner has a 2 year old cat at home and wants to know what this cat's prognosis is since it has been exposed to the sick kitten. Currently this cat is clinically healthy. What do you
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چارت خلاصه معرفی سیستم تنفس حیوانات بطور کنی respiratory system introduction

چارت خلاصه معرفی سیستم تنفس حیوانات بطور کنی respiratory system introduction
چارت خلاصه معرفی سیستم تنفس حیوانات بطور کنی respiratory system introduction  مطالعه این چارت پیش نیاز ورود به چارت های بیماری های تنفسی است این چارت شامل معرفی دستگاه تنفس در حیوانات از کارکرد فیزیولوژی تا پروتکل های درمانی را شامل میشود تا بوسیله ی آن با دیدگاه درست به سمت بیماری های دستگاه تنفس بروید.
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