نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 15

You see an 8-month old kitten with the effusive form of feline infectious peritonitis and perform euthanasia. The kitten was having severe diarrhea around the house when it became ill. The owner has a 2 year old cat at home and wants to know what this cat's prognosis is since it has been exposed to the sick kitten. Currently this cat is clinically healthy. What do you tell her?


A- Feline infectious peritonitis is not contagious and because her other cat died of FIP does not mean this cat will succumb to the disease

B- Her other cat may develop symptoms within the next two weeks because FIP is highly contagious

C- You recommend a coronavirus titer to determine it the cat is actively infected

D- Place the cat on L-lysine to prevent or suppress any infection with FIP

E- Perform a PCR on the cat's feces to see if the virus is being shed




**click here for summery of FIP

*click here for FIP's summery CHART

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برای مشاهده پاسخ تشریحی نمونه سوالات NAVLE و BCSE به پیج اینستاگرام (vetexamprep@) مراجعه کنید و همچنین برای دریافت  چارت های آموزشی بیماری های عفونی با کیفت بالاتر در فرمت های pdf، powerpoit، png می توانید از طریق دایرکت اینستاگرام یا گزینه تماس با ما پیام ارسال فرمایید.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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