دانلود کتاب Veterinary Clinical Parasitology 9th Edition

Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 9th Edition, allows for a quick and accurate reference to internal and external parasites found in a wide variety of domestic animals and laboratory animal host species.  Focusing on the tests and information most relevant to daily veterinary practice, this classic benchtop manual contains a wealth of high-quality images to assist readers in diagnosing parasitic disease and identifying and treating relevant parasites. 
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دانلود کتاب Veterinary Parasitology 4th Edition

The recipient of much praise and acclaim, Veterinary Parasitology is widely considered to be the definitive veterinary parasitology reference for practitioners and students alike. This Fourth Edition has been developed and enhanced into a two-part reference to reflect recent advances in the field, modern teaching practice, and updated parasite taxonomic classification systems.
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