کتاب vet pathway: BCSE and Navle edition

کتاب vet pathway: BCSE and Navle edition
تطبیق مدرک کانادا و آمریکا دارای مراحل مختلفی اعم از جمع آوری مدارک و آزمون های مختلف است که متقاضی باید برای موفقیت خودش را برای این پروسه آماده کند. یکی دیگر از کتاب های جمع بندی امتحانات تطبیق مدرک کانادا و آمریکا که شامل دو دسته کلی نکات مروری شامل نکات چهار گزینه ای و دیگری جملات جای خالی. کتاب vet pathway یک نمونه بسیار حرفه ای، از نمونه کتاب های مروری و نسخه چاپی از اطلاعات سایت isuperlearn.com است.
ادامه مطلب

نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 30

One description of a typical heart sound is "lub-dub". What makes the first heart sound (S1) (i.e., the "lub")?   A - Mitral and semilunar valves B - Atrial contraction C - Aortic and pulmonic valves D - Atrioventricular valves E - Ventricular filling       aswer/D
ادامه مطلب

نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 28

Which one of the following sets of conditions predispose a cow to metritis? A - Strep. agalactiae mastitis, retained placenta, laminitis B - Milk fever, malnutrition, excess dietary zinc C - Dystocia, overfeeding in dry period, Ca-P imbalance in feed D - Agalactia, milk fever, bovine vibriosis E - Contaminated calving environment, abortion, hypomagnesemia
ادامه مطلب

نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 27

A 6-year old intact male domestic short haired cat presents with acute onset exophthalmos of the right eye in the past 2 days. He is painful on palpation around his eye and head. The eye can be retropulsed some, but there is resistance present. He has not been eating in the past day and has a rectal temperature of 103.4F (39.7 C). What is the most likely diagnosis?
ادامه مطلب

نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 26

A 10-year old female spayed Siamese cat presents for a new lump the owner found a month ago. She was spayed last year before she was adopted from the shelter. The owner states that the lump has grown over the last month, and it doesn't seem to bother the cat. On exam, the 2 cm lump is located on the left 2nd mammary gland, and no other lumps are noted. The lump is freely moveable, and chest radiographs are clear. What is the chance that this tumor is malignant?
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