دانلود کتاب Advances in Equine Nutrition IV




The latest volume in this ever-popular series from Kentucky Equine Nutrition. Topics covered include nutrition, veterinary medicine and exercise physiology. Ideal for students, researchers,nutritionists, veterinarians and all those involved in horses. Contents: General Nutrition: Nutrient Requirements: Applying the Science Making Nutrient Composition Tables Relevant Forages: The Foundation for Equine Gastrointestinal Health Grazing Preferences of Horses for Different Cool-Season Grasses Carbohydrates in Forage: What is a Safe Grass? Assessing Energy Balance Beta-Carotene: An Essential Nutrient for Horses? Vitamin E: An Essential Nutrient for Horses? Equine Behavior: A Nutritional Link? Nutrition and Management of the Performance Horse: The Efficiency of Utilization of Digestible Energy During Submaximal Exercise Efficacy of an Herbal Feed Supplement in Reducing Exercise-Related Stress in Horses Update on Bone Disease: The Impact of Skeletal Disease on Athletic Performance Nutrition and Management of the Broodmare: The New NRC: Updated Requirements for Pregnancy and Growth Oral Water-Soluble Vitamin E Supplementation of the Mare in late Gestation, Its effects on Serum Vitamin E Levels in the Pre- and Postpartum Mare and the Neonate: A Preliminary Investigation Body Weight and Condition of Kentucky Thoroughbred Mares and Their Foals as Influenced by Month of Foaling, Season, and Gender The Effect of Dietary Calcium on Indicators of Bone Turnover in Broodmares Nutrition of the Dam Influences Growth and Development of the Foal Nutrition and Management of the Growing Horse: Nutrition of the Young Equine Athlete Development of the Equine Gastrointestinal Tract Skeletal Adaptation During Growth and Development: A Global Research Alliance Muscle Adaptation During Growth and Early Training The Balancing Act of Growing a Sound, Athletic Horse Body Weight, Wither Height and Growth Rates in Thoroughbreds Raised in America, England, Australia, New Zealand and India Size Matters at the Sale Thoroughbred Growth and Future Racing Performance Managing Growth to Produce a Sound, Athletic Horse Pathological Conditions: Feeding the Atypical Horse Nutritional Management of Metabolic Disorders Pathology of Metabolic-Related Conditions Recent Research into Laminitis Colic Prevalence, Risk Factors and Prevention Colic Treatment and Post-Colic Nutrition Overview of Gastric and Colonic Ulcers Insulin Resistance-What Is It and How Do We Measure It? Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage Food Allergy in the Horse-A Dermatologist's View Beyond the X-Ray: The Latest Methods to Detect and Predict Skeletal Damage Managing the Sick Foal to Product a Sound Athlete Rational Approaches to Equine Parasite Control


 J D Pagan



Product details


  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Context Products (January 12, 2009)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1899043500
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1899043507


for downloading Advances in Equine Nutrition IV click here

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