دانلود کتاب Advances in Equine Nutrition IV

The latest volume in this ever-popular series from Kentucky Equine Nutrition. Topics covered include nutrition, veterinary medicine and exercise physiology. Ideal for students, researchers,nutritionists, veterinarians and all those involved in horses. Contents: General Nutrition: Nutrient Requirements: Applying the Science Making Nutrient Composition Tables Relevant Forages: The Foundation for Equine Gastrointestinal Health Grazing Preferences of Horses for Different Cool-Season Grasses Carbohydrates in Forage: What is a Safe Grass?
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دانلود کتاب Equine Fluid Therapy

Equine Fluid Therapy is the first reference to draw equine-specific fluid therapy information together into a single, comprehensive resource. Offering current information unique to horses on the research and practice of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, the book is designed to be clinically oriented yet thorough, providing detailed strategies tailored to equine practice. With information ranging from physiology and acid-base balance to fluid therapy for specific conditions, Equine Fluid Therapy cov
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