چارت و خلاصه داروی metoclopramide متوکلوپراماید

اثر ضد استفراغ : هم با مهار گیرنده های دوپامین در مرکز (CTZ) و هم به صورت محیطی باعث مهار یا کاهش تهوع و استفراغ می شود. اثر محرک دستگاه گوارش: دارو منجر به افزایش تون اسفنگتر تحتانی مری و تحریک حرکات قسمت فوقانی دستگاه گوارش می شود.
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خرید کتاب NAVLE's essentials فلش کارت امتحان NAVLE تطبیق مدرک آمریکا

        آزمون صدور مجوز دامپزشکی آمریکای شمالی (The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE))، که از سال 2000 توسط ICVA اداره می شود، یک الزام برای مجوز کار بالینی دامپزشکی در تمام حوزه های قضایی صدور مجوز در ایالات متحده و کانادا است. NAVLE از 360 سوال چند گزینه ای مرتبط بالینی تشکیل شده است.   کتاب NAVLE's essentials شامل 595 فلش کارت مروری برای آزمون NAVLE هستش. کتاب NAVLE's …
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 23

      A two-year-old, male neutered, sick, indoor/outdoor cat is presented with free fluid in the abdomen. A sample of fluid is obtained and based on the high viscosity of the peritoneal fluid, feline infectious peritonitis is suspected. What is a reliable and quick diagnostic test that can be performed on this fluid to differentiate it from effusions caused by other diseases?     A - Rivalta test B - Nissl stain C - Wright's …
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 21

    A 4-year old male Manx cat presents to you because the owners found an empty, opened pill vial in the bathroom and the cat vomited. On physical exam, you note ptyalism and facial edema. The cat's mucous membranes are pale and slightly icteric. You perform a blood smear and detect Heinz bodies in erythrocytes. The cat's packed cell volume (PCV) is 26% (30-45%). The owners provide you a …
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دانلود کتاب Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology, 3rd Edition

The newly revised Third Edition of Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology delivers a thorough and focused exploration of the basic principles of veterinary lab testing and diagnosis, as well as the cytology, hematology, and chemistry of common domestic and non-domestic species. The book offers readers an expanded wealth of clinical case presentations, providing case data and narrative discussions designed to promote skill development.
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دانلود کتاب Clinical Echocardiography of the Dog and Cat به همراه ویدئو

Covering both classical modalities of echocardiography and newer techniques, Clinical Echocardiography of the Dog and Cat shows how to assess, diagnose, and treat canine and feline heart disease. A clinical approach demonstrates how these modalities may be used to acquire images, and then how you can recognize and identify patterns, relate them to different diseases, and manage patient care with those findings.
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