دانلود کتاب Horse Pasture Management 2018

Horse Pasture Management begins with coverage of the structure, function and nutritional value of plants, continuing into identification of pasture plants. Management of soil and plants in a pasture is covered next, followed by horse grazing behavior, feed choices of horses, management of grazing horses, and how to calculate how many horses should be grazing relative to land size. Management of hay and silage are included, since year-round grazing is not possible on many horse farms.
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دانلود کتاب Equine Surgery 5th Edition 2018

Equip yourself for success with the only book on the market that covers all aspects of equine surgery! Equine Surgery, 5th Edition prepares you to manage each surgical condition by understanding its pathophysiology and evaluating alternative surgical approaches. Explanations in the book describe how to avoid surgical infections, select and use instruments, and perfect fundamental surgical techniques including incisions, cautery, retractions, irrigation, surgical suction, wound closure, dressings, bandages, and casts.
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دانلود کتاب Self-Assessment color Review of Small Animal Imaging

Presented in an easy-to-ready format, Small Animal Imaging: Self-Assessment Color Review offers a case-based approach to reviewing and interpreting images and developing a differential diagnosis when necessary. Each case begins with the patient’s age, gender, breed, and species. The reason the patient was brought to the clinic is discussed along with preliminary examination and diagnostic test findings.
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دانلود کتاب Self-Assessment Color Review Small Animal Medicine and Metabolic

Nearly 20 years after Bryn Tennant's first edition, this new update covers all aspects of diseases and disorders and affecting organs of the abdominal cavity and the endocrine/metabolic system in a case-based format. Responding to advances in imaging technology, digital radiography and high-resolution ultrasonography as well as the growth in specialised diagnostic tests for many diseases, new editor Craig Ruaux brings together a wide variety of new cases
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دانلود کتاب Self-Assessment Color Review Moriellos Small Animal Dermatology Volume 1, Fundamental Cases and Concepts- Second Edition

Karen Moriello's seminal book has been completely updated to create a true two-volume set highlighting fundamental and advanced concepts. This revised edition by Dr. Darren Berger, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Iowa State University, includes all new cases on the essential concepts of small animal dermatology, accompanied by nearly 300 new images.
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