نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 21

In January you examine a group of dairy calves which range in age from 2 to 7 months, with a complaint of hair loss and pruritus. The calves are thin and mucous membranes are pale. One has developed bronchopneumonia, and is also febrile and depressed. You do a skin scraping and find the parasite shown in the image, which your technician identifies as Solenopotes sp. The CBC shows the calves …
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 19

A 10-year old German Shepherd presents to you with the complaint of licking the anal area and scooting. On examination, you find numerous ulcerated tracts in the perianal area that are draining purulent fluid. What is the diagnosis?
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 15

You see an 8-month old kitten with the effusive form of feline infectious peritonitis and perform euthanasia. The kitten was having severe diarrhea around the house when it became ill. The owner has a 2 year old cat at home and wants to know what this cat's prognosis is since it has been exposed to the sick kitten. Currently this cat is clinically healthy. What do you
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 13

A 2-year-old Quarter horse filly presents with a history of intense pruritis and alopecia in the perineal area (see image). The owners indicated that they noticed the filly rubbing her tail head and perineal area along fences for a period of one week. What diagnostic test will you use to confirm your top differential?
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