ایستادن غیرفعال اسب یا به عبارتی Equine Passive Stay Apparatus چیست و مربوط به چه اندام ها و مفاصل در اسب می شود

اسب دارای یک دستگاه ایستادن غیرفعال در هر دو پای جلویی و عقبی است که به اسب اجازه می‌دهد تا برای مدت طولانی روی پاهای خود بایستد بدون اینکه استفاده عضلانی زیادی انجام دهد. دستگاه اقامت شامل تاندون ها و رباط هایی است که مفاصل اسب را به گونه ای تثبیت می کنند که از خم شدن آنها جلوگیری می کند. از سه بخش تشکیل شده است:
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چارت و خلاصه بیماری عفونی دیستمپر سگسانان CANINE DISTEMPER VIRUS (CDV)

چارت و خلاصه بیماری عفونی دیستمپر سگسانان CANINE DISTEMPER VIRUS (CDV)
چارت بیماری عفونی  دیستمپر سگسانان بر اساس کتاب مرک ( The Merck Veterinary Manual, 11th Edition) نوشته شده که به آسانی میتوانید از آن استفاده کنید که شامل بخش های زیر میباشد: Etiology transmission Pathogenesis Clinical Findings and Lesions Diagnosis Treatment Prevention چارت بیماری عفونی  دیستمپر سگسانان یک چارت دورانی متشکل از 7 بخش میباشد که برای درک بهتر این بیماری شروع چارت از سرتیتر های آبی رنگ به ترتیب از شماره یک تا شماره 7 خوانده میشود. چارت بیماری عفونی  دیستمپر سگسانان مناسب برای آمادگی برای امنحان های داخلی و خارجی ماننده NAVLE و BCSE میباشد.
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 28

Which one of the following sets of conditions predispose a cow to metritis? A - Strep. agalactiae mastitis, retained placenta, laminitis B - Milk fever, malnutrition, excess dietary zinc C - Dystocia, overfeeding in dry period, Ca-P imbalance in feed D - Agalactia, milk fever, bovine vibriosis E - Contaminated calving environment, abortion, hypomagnesemia
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 27

A 6-year old intact male domestic short haired cat presents with acute onset exophthalmos of the right eye in the past 2 days. He is painful on palpation around his eye and head. The eye can be retropulsed some, but there is resistance present. He has not been eating in the past day and has a rectal temperature of 103.4F (39.7 C). What is the most likely diagnosis?
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 26

A 10-year old female spayed Siamese cat presents for a new lump the owner found a month ago. She was spayed last year before she was adopted from the shelter. The owner states that the lump has grown over the last month, and it doesn't seem to bother the cat. On exam, the 2 cm lump is located on the left 2nd mammary gland, and no other lumps are noted. The lump is freely moveable, and chest radiographs are clear. What is the chance that this tumor is malignant?
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 16

A three-year-old intact beagle presents on emergency at 5 pm. The owner saw the dog licking up antifreeze spilled while he was flushing the radiator in his car this morning. After supper, the dog began to vomit, and then had a seizure. The dog is markedly obtunded on physical exam. The owner feels responsible and wants to do whatever is necessary to help the dog, but would prefer the shortest effective treatment course, if possible. What is the treatment of choice?
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نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 24

An 8-week old Abyssinian cat recently obtained from a cattery presents to you for an examination and the owner reports that the cat has had diarrhea. On fecal float, you find multiple structures like the one shown in the photo (see image). What should you treat the cat with?
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