دانلود کتاب Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Expert Consult, 2nd Edition

Focus on the "how" and "why" of medical/surgical conditions — the critical issues that lead to successful outcomes for your patients — with Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal, Second Edition. This two-volume full-color resource offers an authoritative, comprehensive review of disease processes, a thorough evaluation of basic clinical science information, and in-depth discussion of advanced surgeries.
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دانلود کتاب Mosby's Review Questions & Answers For Veterinary Boards: Large Animal Medicine & Surgery 2nd Edition

The five volumes of Review Questions & Answers For Veterinary Boards contain over 8,000 multiple-choice questions covering nearly every aspect of veterinary medicine. The series includes volumes on Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, and Ancillary Topics. Large Animal Medicine and Surgery includes 1,615
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دانلود کتاب Equine Surgery 5th Edition 2018

Equip yourself for success with the only book on the market that covers all aspects of equine surgery! Equine Surgery, 5th Edition prepares you to manage each surgical condition by understanding its pathophysiology and evaluating alternative surgical approaches. Explanations in the book describe how to avoid surgical infections, select and use instruments, and perfect fundamental surgical techniques including incisions, cautery, retractions, irrigation, surgical suction, wound closure, dressings, bandages, and casts.
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