دانلود کتاب Mosby's Review Questions & Answers for Veterinary Boards; Basic Sciences 2nd Edition

Includes 1,615 questions, including 660 new questions, on biochemistry, embryology, gross anatomy, microbiology, microscopic anatomy, neuroanatomy, parasitology, pathology, and physiology. Rationales are included with correct answers so readers will be able to determine why an answer was correct and which areas require further study. Questions reflect those likely to appear on the NBE.
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دانلود کتاب Mosby's Review Questions & Answers For Veterinary Boards: Large Animal Medicine & Surgery 2nd Edition

The five volumes of Review Questions & Answers For Veterinary Boards contain over 8,000 multiple-choice questions covering nearly every aspect of veterinary medicine. The series includes volumes on Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, and Ancillary Topics. Large Animal Medicine and Surgery includes 1,615
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