دانلود کتاب veterinary surgery of small animals 2th edition K.tobias

With detailed coverage of surgical procedures, Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal is an authoritative, two-volume reference on the art and science of small animal surgery. Expert contributors discuss surgical principles and procedures for topics ranging from surgical biology and perioperative care, to neurosurgery orthopedic surgery, and soft tissue surgery, always supported by evidence-based research and complete surgical instructions.
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دانلود کتاب Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Expert Consult, 2nd Edition

Focus on the "how" and "why" of medical/surgical conditions — the critical issues that lead to successful outcomes for your patients — with Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal, Second Edition. This two-volume full-color resource offers an authoritative, comprehensive review of disease processes, a thorough evaluation of basic clinical science information, and in-depth discussion of advanced surgeries.
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