دانلود کتاب Clinical Echocardiography of the Dog and Cat به همراه ویدئو

Covering both classical modalities of echocardiography and newer techniques, Clinical Echocardiography of the Dog and Cat shows how to assess, diagnose, and treat canine and feline heart disease. A clinical approach demonstrates how these modalities may be used to acquire images, and then how you can recognize and identify patterns, relate them to different diseases, and manage patient care with those findings.
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دانلود کتاب BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiorespiratory Medicine 2nd Edition

This new edition reflects the huge advances in the field of cardiothoracic medicine that have taken place over the past ten years. Illustrated throughout, it features contributions from leaders in the fields of cardiology and respiratory disorders from the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. The approach of the Manual has been remodeled to enhance the practitioner’s access to information.
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