دانلود کتاب Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine 2nd Edition

A vital pocket-sized reference tool for busy practitioners and students, saving hours of searching through multiple sources. Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine, Second Edition brings together comprehensive differential diagnosis lists covering a wide range of presenting signs.  This new edition has been fully updated with alphabetised lists for improved navigation. The lists cover the majority of presentations that are encountered in practice, including both common and uncommon conditions.
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دانلود کتاب Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice

Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice presents a revolutionary approach to solving clinical problems. As a veterinarian, especially as a student or new graduate, a ten minute consultation in a busy small animal practice can be a daunting task. By guiding you to think pathophysiologically, this book will help solve clinical problems as efficiently as possible. The authors set out a structured approach with easy to remember rules which can be applied to most clinical signs small animals present with. This reduces the need to remember long lists o
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دانلود کتاب Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Small Animal Practice 1st Edition

VETERINARY CLINICAL PROCEDURES IN SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE, 1st Edition instructs you on the clinical care of canine, feline, avian, and exotic animal patients. Appropriate as a standalone or companion resource, the book provides a concise overview of each species as well as the wide range of skills veterinary technicians must master. Step-by-step instruction on commonly performed procedures--restraint, physical exams, specimen collection, safety protocol, and anesthesia--include expanded discussions on variations, potential complications, required equipment, and much more.
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دانلود کتاب Equine Fluid Therapy

Equine Fluid Therapy is the first reference to draw equine-specific fluid therapy information together into a single, comprehensive resource. Offering current information unique to horses on the research and practice of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, the book is designed to be clinically oriented yet thorough, providing detailed strategies tailored to equine practice. With information ranging from physiology and acid-base balance to fluid therapy for specific conditions, Equine Fluid Therapy cov
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