نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 23

Many hens in a large backyard flock recently became ill after the owner purchased four new chickens. The sick hens are gasping, coughing and sneezing. They have poor appetite and act depressed. Some affected birds have watery green diarrhea and swelling of the head
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نمونه سوال آزمون BCSE شماره 1

نمونه سوال آزمون BCSE شماره 1
During the fall, a 12-pound, five-year-old neutered male cat from New Mexico is presented with a draining abscess. He also has a two-day history of lethargy, depression, runny eyes, decreasing appetite and intermittent vomiting and diarrhea. He is an indoor/outdoor cat, up-to-date on vaccines. He has a marked unilateral submandibular lymphadenopathy on the same side as the ruptured abscess. A swab of the draining tract reveals microorganisms with a bipolar-staining "safety pin" appearance using both Giemsa and Wright stain.
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نمونه سوال آزمون NAVLE شماره 2

نمونه سوال آزمون NAVLE شماره 2
A 6-year old Sun Conure presents for evaluation of a skin lesion. The owner reports that the bird is very sensitive on the wing near the lesion. On your exam, you note an oval swelling involving the feather follicle as seen in the image below. What is the best treatment for
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