دانلود کتاب Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat 4th Edition - 2011








The definitive reference for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of small animal infections, Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition delivers current, comprehensive information essential to the management of infectious diseases caused by viruses, rickettsiae, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas, bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and unknown agents. Each section guides you through diagnostic testing for specific microorganisms, from sample collection to laboratory submission to interpretation of results, then details appropriate treatment measures and pharmacologic considerations for the various related infections. Full-color illustrations and hundreds of tables provide quick, convenient access to diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, and thoroughly updated drug information helps you confidently administer appropriate dosages for the most effective treatment and prevention.



Key Features


  • The most comprehensive infectious disease coverage available helps you confidently address clinical problems related to infectious diseases in dogs and cats, and includes:
    • Immunization strategies and environmental control of infections
    • Immunodeficiency disorders
    • Prevention of infection in multi-pet and shelter settings
    • Immunocompromised people and their pets
  • Vibrant full-color illustrations clarify disease features and modes of disease transmission for enhanced diagnostic accuracy and disease prevention.
  • Convenient tables deliver therapeutic recommendations and drug dosages at a glance.
  • Complete antimicrobial drug formulary provides fast, easy access to indications, recommended dosages, and pharmacologic considerations essential for all relevant pharmaceuticals.
  • State-of-the-art diagnostic testing procedures help you ensure accurate diagnoses for all clinically relevant pathogens.
  • Content reflects the expert insight and vast clinical experience of a panel of trusted authorities on small animal infectious diseases.
  • Easy-to-use companion website provides convenient online access to additional images, tables, boxes, appendices, and references linked directly to original PubMed abstracts.



Table of Contents


  • Section I: Viral, Rickettsial, Chlamydial, and Mycoplasmal Diseases



    1. Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral and Rickettsial Infections and Epidemiology of Infectious Disease

    2. Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Chemotherapy

    3. Canine Distemper

    4. Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Canine Acidophil Cell Hepatitis

    5. Canine Herpesviral Infection

    6. Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease

    7. Nonrespiratory Parainfluenza Viral Infections of Dogs

    8. Canine Enteric Viral Infections

    9. Feline Enteric Viral Infections

    10. Feline Coronaviral Infections

    11. Feline Leukemia Viral Infections

    12. Feline Immunodeficiency Viral Infections

    13. Feline Adenoviral Infection

    14. Feline Respiratory Infections

    15. Feline Foamy (Synctium-Forming) Viral Infection

    16. Feline Paramyxoviral Infections

    17. Poxviral Infection

    18. Papillomaviral Infections

    19. Miscellaneous Viral Infections

    20. Rabies and Other Lyssaviral Infections

    21. Pseudorabies

    22. Enteroviral Infections

    23. Influenza Viral Infections

    24. Arthropod-Borne Viral Infections

    25. Neorickettsia and Wolbachia Infections

    26. Ehrlichia and Anaplasma Infections

    27. Rocky Mountain and Mediterranean Spotted Fevers, Cat-Flea Typhuslike Illness,
    Rickettsialpox, Typhus, and Q Fever

    28. Chlamydial Infections



    Section II: Bacterial Diseases



    29. Hemotrophic Mycoplasmosis (Haemobartonellosis)

    30.Mycoplasmal, Ureaplasmal, and L-Form Infections

    31. Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections

    32. Antibacterial Chemotherapy

    33. Stroptococcal and Other Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections

    34. Staphylococcal Infections

    35. Gram-Negative Infections

    36. Sepsis

    37. Enteric Bacterial Infections

    38. Canine Brucellosis

    39. Anaerobic Infections

    40. Botulism

    41. Tetanus

    42. Leptospirosis

    43. Borreliosis

    44. Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections

    45. Plague

    46. Tularemia

    47. Actinomycosis and Nocardiosis

    48. Mycobacterial Infections

    49. Dermatophilosis

    50. Abscesses and Pyogranulomatous Inflammation Caused by Bacteria

    51. Bite Wound Infections

    52. Bartonellosis

    53. Surgical and Traumatic Wound Infections



    Section III: Fungal Diseases



    54.Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal and Algal Infections

    55. Antifungal Chemotherapy

    56. Cutaneous Fungal Infections

    57. Blastomycosis

    58. Histoplasmosis

    59. Cryptococcosis

    60. Coccidioidomycosis and Paracoccidioidomycosis

    61. Sporotrichosis

    62. Aspergillosis and Penicillosis

    63. Candidiasis and Rhodotorulosis

    64. Trichosporonosis

    65. Miscellaneous Fungal Infections

    66. Pneumocystosis

    67. Protothecosis

    68. Rhinosporidiosis

    69. Microsporidiosis



    Section IV: Protozoal Diseases



    70. Laboratory Diagnosis of Protozoal Infections

    71. Antiprotozoal Chemotherapy

    72. Trypanosomiasis

    73. Leishmaniosis

    74. Hepatozoonosis

    75. Cytauxzoonosis

    76. Babesiosis

    77. Enteric Protozoal Infections

    78. Nonenteric Amebiasis

    79. Toxoplasmosis and Neosporosis

    80. Enteric Coccidiosis

    81. Cryptosporidiosis and Cyclosporiasis

    82. Neurologic Diseases of Suspected Infectious Origin and Prion Disease



    Section V: Clinical Problems



    83. Heartworm Disease

    84. Integumentary Infections

    85. Musculoskeletal Infections

    86. Cardiovascular Infections

    87. Bacterial Respiratory Infections

    88. Gastrointestinal and Intra-Abdominal Infections

    89. Hepatobiliary Infections

    90. Genitourinary Infections

    91. Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System

    92. Ocular Infections

    93. Environmental Factors in Infectious Disease

    94. Immunodeficiencies and Infectious Diseases

    95. Fever

    96. Prevention and Management of Infection in Kennels

    97. Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases in Multiple-Cat Environments

    98. Considerations and Management of Infectious Diseases of Feral Cats

    99. Immunocompromised People and Shared Human and Animal Infections

    100. Immunoprophylaxis and Immunodiagnosis






    Antimicrobial Drug Formulary




    Product details



  • Language: English
  • Copyright: © Saunders 2011
  • Published: November 15, 2011
  • Imprint: Saunders
  • eBook ISBN: 9780323266215
  • Hardcover ISBN: 9781416061304
  • eBook ISBN: 9781437701906



About the Authors


Jane Sykes


Dr. Sykes is the founder of the International Society of Companion Animal Infectious Diseases; a group dedicated to enhancing control of infectious diseases in animals and thus reducing spread of disease. She has authored several book chapters on canine and feline infectious diseases. She reviews manuscripts for several major international veterinary journals and has been an editor for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine and has served on the editorial board for American Journal of Veterinary Research.

Affiliations and Expertise

Director, Small Animal Clinic; William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital and Professor; Department of Medicine and Epidemiology; University of California; Davis, California


Craig Greene


Affiliations and Expertise

Professor, Department of Small Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA



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