This sixth edition of Foreign Animal Diseases appears 44 years after the first edition in 1954.
The second, third, forth, and fifth editions were published in 1964, 1975, 1984, and 1992,
With each edition, new and important information supports the established mission formulated in
1954; namely, to bring together in one document the latest information on those foreign animal
diseases considered to be the greatest threat to the livestock and poultry industries in the
United States. In keeping with this philosophy, the objectives of the Foreign Animal Diseases
Committee of the United States Animal Health Association remain unchanged; i.e., to provide
up-to-date information on foreign animal diseases; how they are diagnosed; how they are
spread, and how they may be prevented, controlled, and eradicated.
Less restrictive trade between countries will likely increase. This brings with it the requirements
for increased vigilance in countries that have achieved a high degree of freedom from many
animal diseases.
Historically, practicing veterinarians are among the first to come into contact with or suspect a
foreign animal disease either in their hospitals, homes of pet owners, zoological gardens,
research institutions, wild-life studies, stockyards, or on farms and ranches. Unfortunately, many
of our veterinary teaching institutions (schools and colleges) are giving little if any formal
attention to foreign animal diseases. Visual teaching aids, available in the form of slides, films,
or electronic sources, can be most informative and leave a more lasting impression of clinical
signs than that obtained from lectures alone.


Charles A. Mebus, DVM, PhD
This book is dedicated to Dr. Charles A. Mebus, a world renown authority on animal diseases
foreign to the United States. Through his untiring efforts, this edition of the United States Animal
Health Association's book on Foreign Animal Diseases has been possible. We are indebted to
the professional, exemplary work of Dr. Mebus, a true gentleman and scholar



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