دانلود کتاب BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 3rd edition






The new edition of this popular manual has been extensively updated to reflect advances in this field, while readers will also find new chapters on inherited and cardiac disease.

Clinical case studies have been retained, allowing readers to consider how they might approach common problems and see for themselves how test selection and interpretation are applied. Body systems are dealt with in their own discrete chapters, as are urinalysis, blood cells and proteins.

Full-colour photographs and illustrations can be found throughout, which will prove indispensable to clinical pathologists, clinicians and veterinary students keen to get grips with a rapidly expanding subject.



Elizabeth Villiers BVSc FRCPath DipECVCP CertSAM Cert VR MRCVS
European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists
Head of Dick White Referrals Diagnostics Clinical Pathology Laboratory, UK

Jelena Ristic BVetMed DSAM CertVC MRCVS
Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, UK




In-house versus external testing; Quality assurance and interpretation of laboratory data; Introduction to haematology; Disorders of erythrocytes; Disorders of leucocytes; Disorders of haemostasis; Disorders of plasma proteins; Electrolyte imbalances; Blood-gas analysis and acid-base disorders; Urinalysis; Renal disorders; Laboratory evaluation of hepatic disease; Laboratory testing in GI disease; Laboratory evaluation of exocrine pancreatic disease; Laboratory evaluation of lipid disorders; Laboratory evaluation of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia; Laboratory evaluation of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism; Laboratory diagnosis of adrenal diseases; Laboratory evaluation of the reproductive system; Labopratory investigation of cardiac disease; Diagnostic cytology; Body cavity effusions; Laboratory evaluation of joint disease; Laboratory evaluation of muscle disease; Laboratory evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid; Laboratory evaluation of skin and ear disease; Diagnosis of bacterial, fungal and mycobacterial diseases; Diagnosis of viral infections; Diagnosis of protozoal and arthropod-borne disease; Diagnosis of inherited disease


ISBN: 978-1-905-31963-3 

July 2016


for downloading BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology, 3rd edition click here

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