نمونه سوال NAVLE شماره 23

Many hens in a large backyard flock recently became ill after the owner purchased four new chickens. The sick hens are gasping, coughing and sneezing.

They have poor appetite and act depressed. Some affected birds have watery green diarrhea and swelling of the head and neck.

A few have paralyzed legs and wings, twisted necks, are circling, and have tremors or clonic spasms.

Birds are not laying well and some eggs are misshapen with watery albumen. Many of the sickest birds have died.

Necropsy of a dead chicken shows petechial hemorrhages on the mucosal surface of the proventriculus and gizzard (left).

What should be done next to address this problem?


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A - Increase poultry house temperatures to reduce morbidity

B - Cull affected birds and vaccinate the remainder

C - Report outbreak to regulatory authorities

D - Treat all affected chickens with amprolium

E - Disinfect housing with phenolic compounds, barrier precautions for staff




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برای مشاهده پاسخ تشریحی نمونه سوالات NAVLE و BCSE به پیج اینستاگرام (vetexamprep@) مراجعه کنید و همچنین برای دریافت  چارت های آموزشی بیماری های عفونی با کیفت بالاتر در فرمت های pdf، powerpoit، png می توانید از طریق دایرکت اینستاگرام یا گزینه تماس با ما پیام ارسال فرمایید.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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