کتاب vet pathway: BCSE and Navle edition

کتاب vet pathway: BCSE and Navle edition
تطبیق مدرک کانادا و آمریکا دارای مراحل مختلفی اعم از جمع آوری مدارک و آزمون های مختلف است که متقاضی باید برای موفقیت خودش را برای این پروسه آماده کند. یکی دیگر از کتاب های جمع بندی امتحانات تطبیق مدرک کانادا و آمریکا که شامل دو دسته کلی نکات مروری شامل نکات چهار گزینه ای و دیگری جملات جای خالی. کتاب vet pathway یک نمونه بسیار حرفه ای، از نمونه کتاب های مروری و نسخه چاپی از اطلاعات سایت isuperlearn.com است.
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 23

      A two-year-old, male neutered, sick, indoor/outdoor cat is presented with free fluid in the abdomen. A sample of fluid is obtained and based on the high viscosity of the peritoneal fluid, feline infectious peritonitis is suspected. What is a reliable and quick diagnostic test that can be performed on this fluid to differentiate it from effusions caused by other diseases?     A - Rivalta test B - Nissl stain C - Wright's …
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 21

    A 4-year old male Manx cat presents to you because the owners found an empty, opened pill vial in the bathroom and the cat vomited. On physical exam, you note ptyalism and facial edema. The cat's mucous membranes are pale and slightly icteric. You perform a blood smear and detect Heinz bodies in erythrocytes. The cat's packed cell volume (PCV) is 26% (30-45%). The owners provide you a …
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 16

A three-year-old intact beagle presents on emergency at 5 pm. The owner saw the dog licking up antifreeze spilled while he was flushing the radiator in his car this morning. After supper, the dog began to vomit, and then had a seizure. The dog is markedly obtunded on physical exam. The owner feels responsible and wants to do whatever is necessary to help the dog, but would prefer the shortest effective treatment course, if possible. What is the treatment of choice?
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نمونه سوال BCSE شماره 15

A six-year-old Coonhound mix is presented with a  two-week history of coughing, exercise intolerance and lethargy. He presents with labored breathing, tachycardia, ascites, hepatomegaly and crackles on lung auscultation. These are signs of right-heart failure. Heartworm antigen test is positive and the dog is stabilized in hospital.
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